Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Building A Rapport

The next time you are in a deep conversation with another person, take a moment to observe their behaviour and you will find that their mood, posture and expression will be mimicking your own; another time you can easily observe this type of behaviour, is when you are walking with a friend and their feet are moving in rhythm to your own. It happens when your mind forms a bond with another person and is known as a rapport.

Once you have developed a rapport, you can influence your own behaviour to change the behaviour of the other person. You can easily test this by moving your position in a seat when in rapport and within seconds the other person will mimic you, or you can gradually speak louder and the other person will do the same.

The reason I am presenting an article on 'rapport' is because when you develop a rapport with someone they will form a bond with you, a bond which is fundamental to successful flirting. Hopefully you will also find that when you have a knowledge in rapport's it will help you in all aspects of life, it might help you to persuade your boss to give you a pay rise or it may assist you in motivating the worn out team-mate.

How To Build A Rapport
Maintain Eye Contact
This is important because when you make eye contact with someone they will feel uncomfortable looking away whilst your eyes are still on them, so they will attempt to keep the eye contact until you break it; you have made an easy first bond with them without even having to think about doing it, simple isn't it?!
Mimic Speed
If someone is a slow talker, then talk slowly; if someone is a fast talker, then talk fast. It's easier and calming to talk to someone who talks at a similar speed to yourself than to not. Generally, fast talkers get bored when talking to slow talkers and slow talkers have a sensation of being rushed when talking to fast talkers; giving anyone either of these sensations will only make it harder when flirting with them.
Mimic Tone
I don't mean that you should talk in a high pitched voice when talking to a girl, but if someone is talking in a very sincere tone then doing the same will put you on the same level as them; lets face it, talking in an dominating tone to someone who's using a sincere tone, will make you seem odd and slightly scary.
Mimic Posture
Taking up the same position as someone is not something they will pick up on on a conscious level unless they are sitting oddly, but it will still feel strange copying someone's positioning. Fortunately, their subconscious will pick up on your adaptation and a very strong psychological bond will form.

What Exactly Happens In Rapport

There's a lot of physical and psychological changes which occur during a rapport. On a physical level your breathing will copy that of the others and all movements will be almost identical to those of the other - unless they do a really odd movement. On a psychological level, your attention will narrow and focus; it is very similar to when you are watching a film, you get so focused that the sides of the screen seem to disappear and your mind narrows so that you are unaware of people moving around you.

Rapport's will help you to form bonds will people, and bonds help people to like you; now people liking you will help in flirting. There's not much more I can say other than that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rapport is very important things for counselings.. how to make a clients feel more comfortable and trust in you as a counselors..