Thursday, August 2, 2007

Lets Get Inside Flirting

At the exact time I started writing this article, there are 6,609,207,372 people living on this planet (World POPClock Projection). That means there are 6,609,207,371 humans for you to flirt with... that's a lot of people.

What a lot of people fail to realise is that we are all the same, so once you've discovered how to flirt with one person, you have actually discovered how to flirt with every person; yeah you have you're personality, but at the end of the day we all have an urge to find food when we're hungry, to find warmth when we're cold and to find friends when we're alone.

What I'm going to do is present a weekly post which looks at the psychology behind flirting. Often the psychology talked about here will be apparent in all kinds of human interaction and learning the psychology will be beneficially in your working, family and social life. This blog is not supposed to be hard reading and if you're not a psychologist, then you will not be at a disadvantage.

If you are one of the people that finds my blog interesting, then I invite you to leave a comment and share your views; on the other hand, if you have a theory about the psychology of flirting which I haven't discussed, then I would love for you to contact me.

Keep Reading,

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